Join the Network

ISCA membership is open to independent schools all year long from July 1 to June 30. All independent schools are welcome, whether single-sex or coed, day or boarding, large or small.  Most of our member schools are currently in the US, but we are proud to add a growing number of international schools to our ranks.

Current Board Chairs
The Board Chair is the primary contact for all ISCA communications, programs and services.   Heads of School and other Trustees are welcome to join in webinars, conferences and receive any ISCA information as provided by the Board Chair.

Chairs Elect

When a current board chair is a member of ISCA and a successor has been named to the board chair role, that Chair Elect may become a member of ISCA for a small additional fee.

Former Chairs
Former Board Chairs are a valuable resource to our ISCA community and we encourage their continued participation in ISCA after they have served their tenure as Board Chair.  Their experiences and insights are sought after by current Board Chairs.  In particular, they can provide support to first year Board Chairs through our Peer Advisor Program. The  networking and learning opportunities offered by ISCA continue to serve former chairs well.

“I have to say, of all the groups that I’m a part of for this role as Board Chair (NYSAIS, BoardSource, Prizmah), ISCA is by far the most helpful.  It has made me feel supported in my role and has been instrumental in my being more successful.  I love the weekly emails –  they’re often right on point.  I’m still meeting with my Peer Advisor; he is SO generous with his time and wisdom which is a huge gift! Thank you.”
– Julie Sissman, Board Chair, Solomon Schechter School

Membership Fees
ISCA Membership year is July 1 – June 30

Full Membership –  For Current Chairs

Annual Membership fee for ’24 – ’25 year beginning July 1, 2024: $485

Membership Add on Chair-Elect:
Membership fee: $100
Please note this is for those that will serve in the Chair Elect role during the ’24  -’25 year.  

Former Chairs:
Membership Fee:  $195

(For most schools, annual membership is included under the board’s budget.)

Introductory Gift Memberships
Do you know a board chair that would benefit from ISCA?  We have created gift membership opportunities to introduce board chairs and schools to ISCA.  The current gift opportunity offers membership from July 1, 2024 –  June 30, 2025 for $295.00. Gift memberships may be purchased by a current ISCA member for a board chair/school that would be new to ISCA.