Who’s Who at ISCA
Officers and Directors of the Independent School Chairpersons Association for 2024 – 2025.
Bethany Di Napoli
2024 – 2025 ISCA Board Officers
Michael Patrick, President
Former Chair, Brooklyn Independent Middle School, Brooklyn, NY
Former Chair, LREI School, New York, NY
Eileen Dieck, Vice President
Former Chair, Professional Children’s School, New York, NY
Oliver Gil Prince, Vice President
Former Chair, Asheville School, Asheville, NC
Ronald Wanglin, Vice President
Former Chair, The Buckley School, Sherman Oaks, CA
Lynn Wendell, Vice President
Former Chair, San Francisco University High School, San Francisco, CA
Dolores de Goytisolo, Treasurer
Former Chair, Colegio Roosevelt, The American School of Lima, Peru
William Luedke, Secretary
Former Chair, Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, WI
Samantha Cross, Former Chair
Marin Primary & Middle School, Larkspur, CA
Javier Estrella, Chair
High Meadows School, Roswell, GA
Tracy Halgren, Former Chair
The Watershed School, Boulder, CO
Joel Kanter, Former Chair
Langley School, McLean, VA
David Kreisler, Chair
Brimmer and May School, Chestnut Hill, MA
Allegra Lawrence-Hardy, Former Chair
Former Chair, Atlanta Girls School, Atlanta, GA
Amy McLaughlin, Chair
Heronfield Academy, Hampton Falls, NH
Georgy Ann Peluchiwski, Former Chair
Latin School of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Henry Posner III, Former Chair
Winchester Thurston School, Pittsburgh, PA
Amy Schneider, Chair
Keys School, Palo Alto, CA
Melanie Weston, Chair
Grace Church School, New York, NY
ISCA Non-Solicitation Policy
ISCA has a non-solicitation policy that prohibits members and non-members from soliciting or promoting their business to our members. Click on the link above for the full policy description.